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How to Choose the Best Standby Generator for Backup Power


How to Choose the Best Standby Generator for Backup Power

Did you know that in 2003 a power outage affected over 50 million people on the east coast of the USA? It took hours to get the power back on and is known as one of the biggest blackouts in US history. 

Ok, so not all power outages may be as extensive as this. However, if you live in an area where power outages are common you will know how disruptive they are. 

If you are looking to overcome this problem, you are likely looking for the best standby generator for your budget. 

How can you decide which is the best model for you? What technologies are available? Why not read our article to get some pointers. 

1. What Fuel Will You Use?

Choosing a fuel type is an important first step in identifying what type of generator you need. Standby generators usually run on natural gas or liquid propane. Some standby generators run on diesel, however, these are generally larger installations that require a different budget. 

If you choose propane or natural gas as your fuel type, you will need to allow space for a tank to hold enough fuel. 

If you would like to cut down on fuel bills and benefit from a greener renewable source of energy for your generator, you may wish to consider PoweredPortableSolar.com. 

2. How Much Power Will You Need?

The next step is to determine how much fuel you will use. This is dependant on the number of devices you will connect to the generator and their load. 

AC Units, refrigerators, and other equipment with large loads will require you to purchase a larger generator. However, if you live in an area with particularly hot summers and suffer an extended outage in July, you may be glad that you paid the extra money. 

In the same way, if you live in a cold climate, having enough power to heat your apartment may be a matter of protecting your health. 

By calculating your budget and your basic needs you will be able to determine the size of the generator you should get.

3. When Will it Switch On?

There are basically two methods of initiating your generator, manual and automatic.

  • Manual

When you have a power outage you will need to physically go to your generator. You will possibly need to prime it by manually pumping a small amount of fuel through the system. After this, you will press a button to start the engine. When power returns, you will manually turn it off. 

  • Automatic

in this case, as soon as the power outage is detected an automatic transfer switch will trip causing the generator to start. It will switch off automatically when the power returns.

Your choice will be impacted by your budget and your needs. If you are living in the apartment for only part of the year (ie while hunting or fishing) a manual switch may well be enough. 

The Best Standby Generator for Your Money and Much More

If you have had enough of unexpected power outages, then researching the best standby generator is a smart move. There are many models to choose from and the right generator will keep you connected, cooking, and the lights on during a power outage. 

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